Dr. Judy Wtf

Are you STILL suffering from Narcissistic Abuse?



If you're still in a narcissistic, abusive relationship, look at the secondary gains. Also know that it's very difficult to extricate yourself from a family, especially a family where you have children involved and you have financial deals enmeshed with each other. So sometimes people just cannot break free of this because it's too complicated, it's too emotionally exhausting, and it's it's too traumatic to split up the family.And so one thing that you could do is psycho educate yourself so that at least you create the correct boundaries and you don't get sucked dry from the system that you're in and that you learn to heal childhood wounds that got you in this hot mess in the first place. So for those of you who are still suffering from narcissistic abuse, check out my new video. Healing from narcissistic abuse. And call 3107394491. So that I could design your personalized plan for healing.