Georgia Libertycast

Vaping Bans Reach Georgia, Republicans Suppress, and Presidential Debates



Vaping bans seem to be the hot new topic nationwide. Georgia is no exception. Republican Representatives in the Georgia House have floated a vaping ban for Georgia. Ryan and Laura discuss how this is a terrible idea and why there is no "crisis" to solve. Republicans across the country are working to solidify President Trump's campaign against primary opponents by canceling primaries in at least 5 states now. Georgia requires political parties take part in the Presidential primary, but the Georgia GOP has made some changes to it's rules to help the President against challengers anyway. The Democratic Presidential debates are coming to Atlanta! More importantly, so are the Libertarian Presidential debates! The Libertarian Party of Georgia will be hosting a Presidential debate on January 19 at our convention. Atlanta PRIDE is this weekend and LP Georgia will be there celebrating individuality! Come out and help us table or walk in the parade with us on Sunday! Parade setup is near the Civic Center at 9:30AM.