Art Class Curator

Unveiling Our Hidden Artists: How We Ditched The Rules And Embraced Exploration with Margaret McDonald



In this episode, Margaret and I, both passionate art educators, open up about our own artistic journeys. We get real about the struggle of finding our artistic identities as teachers, grappling with imposter syndrome, of not being “good enough” or niched enough, and the “shoulds” that help us back from embracing our own art. But what we have found on the other end after letting all of that go is freedom of expression, the joy and satisfaction of making art for us and no one else, and the safety and nervous-system regulation that art provides us that we knew as children but forgot as we grew up.  It's been all about letting the process guide us and having the curiosity, the playfulness, and the consistent practice lead us to whatever comes next. I know you’ll love this conversation. Get the links to stuff we talked about on this episode on the shownotes at this link.