Capital Hacking

E296: Is It Possible to Find Financial Freedom Fast? With Matt Amabile



This podcast features an interview with Matt Amabile, a young real estate investor who achieved financial freedom at the age of 26. After graduating from college and struggling to make ends meet, Matt took control of his financial situation by diving into personal finance books and focusing on real estate. He started by house hacking, buying a four-unit property, and renting out three units while living in one. This experience showed him the power of cash flow and the potential of real estate. Matt then went on to buy more properties, bringing in partners and capital to fund his deals. He eventually transitioned to the commercial space of real estate, where he continues to grow his portfolio. Despite not having much money starting out, Matt found ways to make it work by leveraging partnerships and resources. He now enjoys a comfortable lifestyle, with his monthly cash flow covering his expenses and allowing him to travel. He plans to pursue bigger and better opportunities in the future.Turn your unique talent