Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Systems You Need Before Your Next Launch



Have you ever felt like you have no idea where your next client is coming from?    Well, they should be coming from the leads that you’ve been building a relationship with over time. One way to build leads AND generate sales is by having a launch or enrollment event that allows you to sell one to many versus one to one.    It takes a lot of effort to put together a launch but enrolling multiple clients will significantly grow your income.   You KNOW we’re all about systems here on the Breadwinning Women show so today, I want to dive into 3 systems that you need to have in place before your first or next launch.   You will learn: The secrets to closing sales that can 10x your the results of your next enrollment event  How to manage your leads so that you never have to wonder where your next client is coming from The #1 system that you need in place to ensure your clients don’t request a refund on your service or want to drop out of your program    Ready to start enrolling multiple clients at once? LISTEN NOW