Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

4 Ways to Pivot Your Plan



Things don’t always go as expected. As business owners, we need to be nimble and change direction on a quick notice. If you’re a “planner type” person this can certainly make you feel uncomfortable.   Pivoting is your ability to change direction and it’s a must to survive in business. If you’re not used to operating on the fly, then you need a planning model for getting things done so you can act quickly.   I want you to swipe this process that you can use in your business when you’re not sure how to change your sales, marketing, operations or overall business plan. I’m going to share 4 principles or ways that you can pivot. Knowing where to focus your pivot will allow you to make those quick decisions when you need to.   In this episode you will learn: The 4 ways you can pivot your business in uncertain times How business owners are thriving in today’s economy The critical mistake that entrepreneurs make when their afraid clients will stop buying    If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to str