Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Bookkeeping for Breadwinners



As business owners, we are not immune to mismanaging our assets especially if we don’t have the financial knowledge and right professional support that we need. Rent expenses, insurance, taxes-- others may find these words boring but knowing what they mean could absolutely save your life.   In today’s Daily Success Show episode, plunge into the exciting world of financial talk with our special guest Kieva Amante from Bench. Catch awesome tips and techniques on how to detect costs that you don’t need and develop a budget that will fill your savings.   It’s never too late to stay on top of your business cash flow and start monitoring your numbers. But if this just isn’t your thing, don’t worry. That’s where Bench Accounting comes in and helps you do your bookkeeping for you.   Bench Accounting is partnering Daily Success Routine to give you an exclusive offer of 30 days of FREE bookkeeping + 20% discount on 6 months of their service. Grab the offer at dailysuccessroutine.com/bench.   Get the episode's Action Gu