Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

3 Hidden Habits Preventing You from Being Productive



At some point, we all have gone through (or still going through) the daily battle of bad habits that are keeping us from being productive. It’s tempting to assume that a lack of discipline or poor time management is the cause. But there are much more serious unproductive habits creating a ceiling in your life and your career and it’s time we tackle them. In today’s Daily Success Show episode, I’ll share with you how to use routines as a practice to help you become more consistent in living a productive workday. Get rid of the notorious time-wasters so that you can manage your priorities and streamline everything else. As a bonus, you can get your free copy of the Daily Success System Action Guide that will help you get more done in 3 months than you have all year. Together, let’s create a plan to wake up productive and with great intention to succeed every single day.   Need help setting up your business back-end and finding out the next best step for your business? Book a call with me or my team to learn mo