Dan Dan The Art Man

Movie Memories 08 | Justin R. Macumber



Movie Memories guest blog post # 8 by Justin R. Macumber brought to you by www.DanDanTheArtMan.com. Download the .mp3 A Long Time Ago, In A Drive-In Far, Far Away… We human beings are such a mess of thoughts, histories, experiences, and emotions that it’s hard to know why we are the way we are. The smallest incident can have the biggest impact, yet we can be oblivious to the large changes that shape our psyche. As the bard said, “Man is a giddy, flighty thing.” I’m sure thousands of therapists and psychiatrists would agree. I’m just as prone to it as the next guy. But, there was one moment in my past that I clearly remember as a pivotal one in my development not just as a human being, but also as a life-long geek. It happened on a dark evening in the summer of 1977, in a dusty Kansas drive-in, with me on the roof of my parents’ car. If you’re a fellow geek, you know exactly what I’m talking about. STAR WARS! Yep, I can remember it as though it happened yesterday. I was four