Access Utah

Narrowing the Political Divide on Access Utah Tuesday



Tuesday on Access Utah we’ll attempt to narrow the political divide, hoping to model behavior we’d like to see in elected officials in our increasingly polarized society. We’ll follow up on a program we did a few months ago with politicians and commentators. This time we’re appealing directly to you. We’ll ask you to explore the weaknesses of your political beliefs, as well as the strengths of the other side. How we can listen to and understand each other more in our political discourse, and how do we get out of our silos and join with each other in solving our problems? Leading the discussion will be Cache Valley residents Jonathan and Loralee Choate. They have to reach across the aisle at home: he leans libertarian and she’s more liberal. We’ll also hear from our politically-plugged-in Access Utah producers, USU students Dani Hayes and Adison Pace.