Sunny Side Up

Ep. 429 | Unlocking Business Insights: Harnessing the Power of Diverse Data Sources for Anomaly Prediction



Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Kieran Conway interviews Gail Buffington, a seasoned expert in analytics. Drawing from her rich background in both marketing and analytics, Gail discusses the importance of using diverse data sources to gain deeper business insights. She shares insights from her role at MilliporeSigma, emphasising the value of blending internal and external data, collaborating with third-party data providers, and the innovative use of public data sets. Gail's main message? Adopt a broad, exploratory approach to data to unlock its full potential. About the Guest Gail Buffington is the Head of Data Science and Analytics for Millipore Sigma, a global life sciences company. Previously, she worked in retail as vice president of marketing and analytics for a women's apparel company. She has over 15 years of experience across a wide breadth of data careers. Outside of her current role, she also serves as a training officer with the United States Army and is a Girl Scout troop