Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

Why Your Doctor is Not the Boss Anymore?



So, let’s discuss why your doctor is not the boss anymore... Traditionally, we are accustomed to doctors telling us “Do this, take that, and see me again in three months”. While that kind of relationship is generally thought to be effective, it doesn’t actually work for everyone. Different doctors act differently, just as different patients have different needs. This is why it is so crucial for patients to recognize the type of doctor-patient relationship that fits them, and for doctors to adjust to what their patients need. So join me today as I talk about the different types of doctor-patient relationships, and shed light as to why your doctor is not your boss anymore. Why you need to check this episode: Discover the four pillars of a great doctor-patient relationship; Learn and understand the three doctor-patient relationship models; and Find out why it is important for you to know which type of patient you are, and which relationship model fits you “Trust, knowledge, loyalty, and regard; those are the