Finding Founders

How to Be the #1 Pastry Chef in the World- #184: Will Goldfarb | Chefs



Will hit another roadblock, but this wasn’t the first one he faced. He was told by the best chefs in Paris to get out of the way, that he’ll “never make it as a chef,” and yet today, he stands as the #1 pastry chef in the world, a Rising Star and a nominee for the James Beard Award for Best Pastry Chef in America. So I was in Bali for a month and was lucky enough to be invited to Will’s restaurant Room 4 Dessert. I was greeted with a 15 course meal with a wine pairing – This wasn’t just food, this was artistry, and an experience I’ll never forget. But before we dive into how Will created this incredible experience , let’s start at the beginning, and go all the way back to childhood.