

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” ~Abraham MaslowThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers. The other day, a good friend (former professor and a professional writer) – a man whose top value is a “learning mindset” – said something that caught my attention.“I’ve realized the importance of ‘dumb stuff.’ It’s the dumb stuff that supports the smart stuff.”“The dumb stuff supports the smart stuff.”It’s brilliant! I loved the idea and sentiment.Running doesn’t require much intelligence yet; after he runs, he’s a better writer.Sleep doesn’t require much or any intelligence yet; after he rests, he’s a better writer.After a few days of contemplating the comment, it occurred to me that this “stuff” is only “dumb” in the context of ‘intelligence.’ In other words, how hard is your brain working while you’re running or sleeping?Chances are, not very hard.What if we viewed these behaviors not through an intelligence lens but through a wellness and health one?Eat