The Institute Of World Politics

People's Poland towards Oskar Halecki and his works (1945 - 1990), with Professor Tadeusz Rutkowski



Professor Tadeusz Rutkowski discusses "People's Poland towards Oskar Halecki and his works (1945 - 1990)." This lecture is part of the 16th annual Kościuszko Chair Conference and the 4th Oskar Halecki Symposium. About the Speaker Tadeusz Paweł Rutkowski is a historian of modern history, professor at the University of Warsaw. He specializes in the history of Poland and Eastern Europe in the 20th century, including science policy and the history of historiography. Author, among others, „Nauki historyczne w Polsce 1944 – 1970. Zagadnienia politycznej i organizacyjne”, ("Historical sciences in Poland 1944 - 1970. Political and organizational issues"), Warsaw 2007, „Adam Bromberg i „Encyklopedyści”. Kartka z dziejów inteligencji polskiej w PRL”, ("Adam Bromberg and "Encyclopedists". A page from the history of the Polish intelligentsia in the Polish People's Republic"), Warsaw 2010, „Pańska, szlachecka, faszystowska. Polska w sowieckiej propagandzie, kulturze i historiografii 1917 – 1945” („Pańska”, noble's, f