Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 341: Success Scarier Than Failure



Hey hey hey there's a thought that crossed my mind the other day when I was having a conversation with a client and they were talking about where one of their main people that they just hired a about a month ago was about to quit and what we unpacked and uncovered around this was that this new hire was in a better position in his mind and in in his space in his house and new environment and he'd hit this okay I've had I'm at my place of success and then the interesting thing is the client my client and I unpacked that this particular person really was stuck at the ability of going to that next level they they were so caught up in needing to run and needing to see what seemed like a more logical path to achieve success than the path that they' embarked on with my client's company so maybe you have this inner voice that has you kind of doing this oh I am worried about succeeding because in order to succeed you have to commit you have to stay the course you have to learn how to Pivot you learn H you have to lear