Mason Vera Paine

Find out how Google can help you with your Holiday Shopping



Google trends expert Christina Basilio joins the Mason Paine show to discuss the most in demand and trending items for the holiday season. Christina also discusses how to use various Google tools to help with your shopping. For the latest trends from Google visit: Twitter on Google at: Google on Facebook at: and Follow Google on Instagram at: Google Holiday Trends Transcription 00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine. 00:01 – Mason: Holiday season is upon us and to find out what are some of the hottest gifts that are in demand, as well as how to use various Google tools to alleviate your troubles, joining us is Google trends expert Christina Basilio. Thanks for joining me, Christina. 00:14 – Christina: Hi, it's so great to be here. 00:15 – Mason: So to top off first,