Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 167: Don’t Factor God Out Part 4 - MIRACLES - God’s mercy refuses to fail you.



This Thanksgiving message from Autumn is for those of you who feel distant from God. Something is making you feel distant. Maybe it’s a spiritual block, and that block has pushed you to stand at a distance away from God. You show up at church, you pray, you do all the things, but you’re far away. When Jesus met with the 10 lepers, it was not by accident. Jesus did not coincidentally come across them, He MET them on their way to where they were going between Samaria and Galilee. These leprous men didn’t ask for healing. Instead, they called out for mercy. What did God’s mercy look like to them? “Go and show.” Jesus gave them directions to their mercy. Maybe, what we think God’s mercy “should” look like isn’t what God’s mercy ACTUALLY is. Do you think God knows what our souls actually need? Do you think, if you asked, our merciful God will give you directions to receive His mercy? When He gives you His mercy, make sure you thank Him!   Monologue: Autumn shares about her younger kids’ sweet and funny moments in