Keto Naturopath

Interview with Dr. Joan Ifland on Processed Food Addiction Part I



Perhaps there’s no more avoided topic in the entire field of dietary nutrition than “Processed Food Addiction”. The reason it is NOT discussed is because ‘processed foods’ is a vast, complicated, and for the most part, hidden and disguised as to not be easily identified to the consumer. To add to that, the concept of addiction is something we have a difficult time believing applies to us personally because it implies we can’t control our behavior. We tend to think of drugs, or alcohol or tobacco as being addictive but not Food, and certainly not 'Processed Foods'.It is nearly a TABOO topic because to admit we are addicted means we have to deal with our behavior, our neurology, and the chemical neuroscience and marketing techniques that are used by the food industry in general. Exactly right!Given the above, this might just be the most important podcast you ever listen to. Enjoy.What does process food addiction have to do with the Ketogenic Diet? Initially the answer is by dropping the carbs you drop