Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 342: Manifesting Tree



Hey there I was talking with a client today and she was reminding me because I suggested that she get head shot for her the book that she just got out into the world it's a children's book and so excited for her she's an attorney who would have never thought in her million years uh that she would write a children's book and so it's out there and it's really cool and and I suggested she get a new head shot because her head shot is from when she's an attorney and kind of very stoic and uh so one of the things that she was telling me about the photographer and what he had her do is he had her climb a tree like go figure and I said why would he tell you to climb a tree she said because I told him about your a transformational audio called a billionaire mindset achieving a billionaire mindset and I said wow oh my God that's commitment and so think of this tree as your tree of prosperity I used to have a center called the tree of life and it it was really an amazing place that that we brought people in from all ove