Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

3 Ways to Collaborate with other IBCLCs



Whether you’re in solo private practice or feeling ready to expand into a group practice, making local connections with other IBCLCs and lactation helpers is good for you and good for the families you serve.Why go it alone when community and collaboration can strengthen your skills and combat compassion fatigue? In this episode of the Lactation Business Coaching podcast, Annie & Leah share three ways you can grow your local connections and create more opportunities for all of you. From informal to formal, there’s something in here for everyone.“I want all of us to make a living. How can we do that for each other?” In this episode, we will cover: Show up and offer help. Volunteering with local lactation groups can boost your visibility and offer much-needed help Not available? Informal referral networks connect separate private practice lactation consultants without any legal agreements. Ready to make it official? Formal group practices have legal agreements in place and can be profitable for everyone  Thi