

“We are but dust and shadows, and like a lamp that is lit and then extinguished, so too will our lives be extinguished.” ~ Marcus AureliusThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers. In the vast expanse of time and space, our individual existence might seem like a fleeting flicker, a mere ripple in the cosmic ocean. A thousand years from now, our names will likely fade into obscurity, our actions lost to the annals of history. Despite this inherent insignificance, we also possess the power to leave an indelible mark on the world, to create a ripple effect that echoes through generations.Life is a paradox, simultaneously insignificant and immensely significant. On one hand, our individual lives are finite, destined to be consumed by the relentless march of time. Our achievements, no matter how grand, will fade into the background of the universe’s vastness.On the other hand, we are capable of extraordinary acts of love, compassion, and creativity. We have the power to inspire, teach, uplift, and he