Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 168: Christmas Series Part 1 - When Past Triggers Come Knocking, Whose Voice Are You Listening To?



The moment a report came to King Ahaz of Judah about a threat being near, he and his people “shook as the trees of the forest shake in the wind.” Ahaz had faced such news before, which ended with 120,000 valiant men slaughtered in one day and 200,000 taken captive. How often do we hear a report, and take it as a FACT before God has shared His final word? We are in a time when God is present with us always through His Spirit, yet when somebody or something sounds the alarm, we become fearful? Especially if we’ve faced it before and it had defeated us. You have got to tell yourself a different story. “Yes, that situation happened in the past, and this report looks just like the first or first few times it happened to me. But this time, I am standing on the Word of the Lord, and He will not be conquered.” The threat will not last. Welcome and invite God into the situation, because He will never be conquered.    Monologue: This episode features Autumn’s two oldest kids, Grace and Jude, sharing their family’s Chri