Sunny Side Up

Ep. 438 | Mastering Engagement and Measuring Success



Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Gareth Noonan interviews Alex Donics on Spotify’s evolution in mastering engagement and measuring success. Alex highlights the importance of personalisation, noting that Spotify prioritises individual user experiences. This focus on personalisation, coupled with an emphasis on the needs of creators and listeners, has contributed to Spotify's incredible reach across 184 markets with 550 million listeners. Podcasts, especially during COVID-19, have emerged as powerful tools for topical exploration, allowing creators and brands to connect deeply with audiences. Alex dives into how Spotify has refined its strategies to offer brands effective means of engagement and debunks common myths about audio advertising's measurability. About the Guest Alex is the Global Director of Demand Marketing at Spotify, where he leads a global B2B marketing team that is responsible for growing demand for Spotify Advertising. In his five years at Spotify, Alex has held leaders