Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Resilient Hope Week 1: A Process for Cultivating Hope



Outline:1. Reveal Yourself to Us, God (1-2): A plea for God to dramatically reveal Himself, tearing through the heavens, and making His name known to the nations. Seeking God's presence in the midst of uncertainties. 2. Remember God's Good Deeds (3-4): Recounting the awesome things God has done unexpectedly. Reflecting on personal experiences of God's unexpected goodness and relating them to Psalm 77. 3. Remember Your Best Efforts Fall Short (5-7): Acknowledging our uncleanliness and the inadequacy of our best efforts. Recognizing the need to surrender to God's grace in our shortcomings. 4. Release the Future into God's Hands (8-9): Surrendering the future into God's hands, acknowledging God as the Potter and trusting in His control. A call to release worries about the future into God's care. As we journey through Isaiah's prayer, we unveil a resilient hope that thrives not in the absence of challenges but in the steadfast assurance of God's enduring promises. It's a hope grounded in the unchanging character