5 Minute Italian

38: Quiz! Put your Italian knowledge to the test



How much can you remember from previous lessons of 5 minute Italian? In this quiz lesson, you’ll review the magic verb “fare” together with some handy grammar, words and phrases you’ve learnt in previous lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to combine them to say loads of new sentences in Italian. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get bonus materials for these lessons, including transcripts and flashcards, head over to our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-podcast-quiz/ Practice chatting Italian with Matteo and Katie in the private 5MI Facebook group. Request to join here: www.facebook.com/groups/1530878703636977/ Today’s words Facciamo = we do Colazione = breakfast Quando = when Quando facciamo colazione? = When shall we have breakfast? A che ora = what time A che ora facciamo colazione? = What time shall we have breakfast? Adesso/ora = now Facciamo colazione adesso/ora? Shall we have breakfast now? Facciamo la spesa = let’s do the food shopping Non facciamo la spesa ora = let’s not do