Sunny Side Up

Ep. 444 | AI Unleashed: Exploring Trends, Strategies, and Best Practices in Marketing



Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, Chris Moody interviews Jana Eggers on explainability, trends, and tools in AI marketing. Jana emphasizes the need for transparency to identify and correct biases, urging the prioritization of user needs over technological capabilities. She argues that explainability should not be an afterthought but a fundamental aspect of AI. Chris and Jana discuss trends in AI-driven personalization in marketing, pointing out the need for more nuanced feedback mechanisms. The conversation then shifts to best practices for utilizing AI in marketing strategies. Jana advises a balanced approach, combining trust in AI with human expertise and scepticism.  About the Guest Jana Eggers is CEO of the neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence platform company Nara Logics. She’s an experienced tech exec focused on inspiring teams to build great products. She’s started and grown companies and has also led large organizations at public companies. She is active in customer-inspired i