Holding Space

31: Choosing Self-Love with Keah Brown



In this episode I share my conversation with Keah Brown, writer, journalist and disability activist. Keah and I discuss her writing process, and how she has come to appreciate her earlier work as part of the growth that got her to where she is today. We talk about disrupting disability discourses and choosing self-love. In Keah's words: "I spent most of my life tearing myself down, because I thought I was supposed to, because how else are you supposed to live in a body like mine? But what I know now is that I live every single day with so much joy. How could I not give myself the same love that people have been giving me my whole life?" Keah is the creator of the hashtag, #disabledandcute, and has an essay collection coming out in 2019 called The Pretty One. You can continue to follow Keah at keahbrown.com and on social media @keah_maria.  Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews are the best way to make su