Holding Space

19: The Climb- Bringing Awareness to Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders



In this episode I'm sharing an incredible event aimed at bringing awareness to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Did you know that 1 in 5 moms and 1 in 10 dads will suffer with a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder? The Climb Out of the Darkness is the world's largest event raising funds and awareness for perinatal mental illness like postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. For this episode I sat down with the local San Diego Climb team: Dr. Daniel Singley, a local San Diego psychologist specializing in early fatherhood and a Board member of Postpartum Support International; Jennifer Varela, sleep coach and current President of the Postpartum Health Alliance; and Julie Lopez, attorney-at-law, who is a proud survivor of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. We talk about the event, the impact of sleep during the postpartum period, paternal mental health, and Julie shares her story that brought her to put on the Climb here in San Diego. For more information on the Climb, you can find th