Holding Space

11: Breastfeeding Support Through Every Stage with Robin Kaplan, M.Ed., IBCLC



In this episode I sit down with Robin Kaplan, founder of the San Diego Breastfeeding Center and author of Latch. Robin has her Masters in Education and is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. In this episode Robin debunks some breastfeeding myths, explains why so many women find themselves struggling when it comes to breastfeeding, explores the role of partner support, discusses the relationship between breastfeeding and intimacy, shares useful tips on transitioning back to work while breastfeeding, and answers tough questions like, "in our well-meaning efforts to support lactacting moms, did we take the idea of breast is best too far?" To read more about Robin's services and work, go to www.sdbfc.com, or buy her book Latch here! Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews are the best way to make sure the podcast reaches those who need it most, and I read each and every one. To connect with