Embodied Astrology With Renee Sills

Open House: Embodied Astrology Programming in 2024



This episode is the edited audio from Embodied Astrology’s virtual open house, held last Sunday, Dec 17, 2023. Watch the full video recording here. The astrological forecast for the 2020s is reaching an apex of intensity 2024-2026. This is a time of tremendous chaos and transformation that calls for grieving, mourning, and death-doula-ing old worlds while dreaming and crafting new worlds into being. It is a time that necessitates protest, uprising, refusal, revolution, deep solidarity, transcendent curiosity, wild creativity, innovative collaboration and communal experimentation.  At Embodied Astrology we’ve been organizing to meet this moment and will be offering a new program to commence in Aries season of 2024, co-created and co-led by the founder of Embodied Astrology, Renee Sills, with Sherri Taylor, Gabz 404, Ramon Parish, Junauda Petrus and Alisha Mawji.