Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

Are you Ready for the New Year?



So, let’s talk about the anticipation and enthusiasm for the upcoming year… How many of you are actually excited about going into 2024? Looking back at the beginning of 2023, we might have had some goals, some aspirations, or some things we wanted to do. Were you able to do them all? Were you successful? I know you guys say it every year — “I don’t know where the time went.” Well, I don’t know where time went, either. But one thing’s for sure: I don’t want us stuck, unhealthy, and just going through the flow. The Lunch and Learn Community likes to get moving, to empower themselves for better health. If you did not get the opportunity to do what you got to do, guess what? You got yourself another chance with another year. In 2024, what are you going to do so that 2024 looks amazing for you at the end of the year? Why you need to check this episode: Understand the importance of self-evaluation, as well as being excited for the year to come; Discover questions you can ask yourself to help you self-evaluate for