The Rich Roll Podcast

The Living Proof Challenge: Simon Hill’s 12-Week Protocol To Optimize Your Health, Fitness & Longevity



To welcome 2024, I'm joined by recurring podcast favorite Simon Hill—a nutrition expert, physiotherapist & host of The Proof podcast—to introduce The Living Proof Challenge: a no-cost, science-based, habit-building protocol designed to optimize your physical and mental well-being, reduce your risk of chronic disease, and promote longevity. This free 12-week challenge focuses on improving the most important markers with a sustainable structure stress-tested to uplevel well-being with staying power. Today Simon explains how the Living Proof Challenge works, the science he relied on to create it, and how it will inform your health, fitness, and longevity. We also discuss the 10 most important biomarkers for long-term health, the four key systems of the body this challenge is designed to address, and how you can optimize this challenge based on your own unique biology. Now is the time to take action for yourself. New habits are the product of new decisions coupled with the best tools. And Simon has provided us wi