Locker Room

Parenting Podcast - Episode 1 - Parenting Begins in Our Hearts



There isn't a tougher job on the planet than parenting! At the same time, there are a ton of voices speaking into how to do it. We are releasing a new podcast for parents that focuses first on the heart of the parent because at the end of the day, you can't give what you don't have. We want so many things for our kids, but often what matters most when it comes to our parenting is the condition of our own hearts. That's what our new podcast is all about. This first episode is published here on the Locker Room podcast feed. To subscribe to future episodes, find, "Parenting - a Southland.Church podcast" on your favorite podcast platform, or listen on our website at -- Episode 1: Parenting Begins in Our Hearts The most influential thing on the hearts of our children—for good or for bad—is the state of our own hearts and what comes out of us. We have all been influenced by our own individual experiences growing up. Some of us only had one parent around. Some of us didn’t have a st