Real Estate Rockstars

1205: Ricky Carruth - How I’d Start Over in Real Estate Right Now



Ricky Carruth built a real estate business that consistently generated over one million dollars in annual revenue with minimal expenses. If Ricky started over in real estate today, how would he do it again? Listen to this Real Estate Rockstars podcast and find out. In today’s interview, Ricky explains why conversations will always be the key to commissions and what today’s real estate agents should do to have more of them. Ricky also shares why starting a real estate team is a bad idea, when his real estate business really exploded, and how to get out of the rat race for good. Links: Ricky Carruth’s Ricky Carruth’s YouTube Channel Follow Ricky Carruth on Instagram Follow Aaron Amuchastegui on Instagram Learn More About Shelby and Five Pillars Nation Get Hundreds of FREE Real Estate Tools From the Toolbox