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Psychological Safety in Manufacturing: How Silence in Aerospace Factories Can Turn Deadly



Blog post link Psychological Safety is not some nice-to-have touchy-feely concept. Psychological Safety means that you feel safe speaking up in the workplace. That could mean: Asking questions Pointing out problems Admitting mistakes Disagreeing with your manager Sharing ideas for improvement It's been pretty well proven that organizations with a higher level of Psychological Safety perform better. A lack of Psychological Safety in a factory can turn deadly. A lack of it has proven deadly in healthcare settings too, of course. If workers and engineers are punished for speaking up about quality problems in aerospace factories, that puts customers (and passengers) at great risk. When people are pressured into being silent, that's a management problem and a culture problem. I'm not blaming the individuals who keep quiet to save their jobs. I do admire those who take great professional and personal risk to speak up anyway. This WSJ article (which should be a free-reading link) talks at leng