Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Unbeatable Peptide Stacks, Advanced Age Reversal Strategies, How To Banish Anxiety & Panic, Your Brain On THC, Ketones & Ketosis & More: The Most Listened To Episodes Of 2023



Venture back with me to 2013: “Wrecking Ball” is blaring on your radio for the ninetieth time today, skinny jeans have America in a chokehold, and podcasts aren’t considered top-tier entertainment — or not like they are now. That’s because new research compiled by the Pew Research Center shows that a decade ago, a mere 12 percent of Americans ages 12 and up hadn’t listened to a podcast in the last month… Today, in 2023, that number has jumped to an astonishing 42 percent. It's a seismic shift in the sonic landscape — a revolution in how people consume a symphony of stories, insights, and education. As I wrap up this year with 13,630,038 downloads (but who’s counting?), 2023 emerges as a standout year for monumental growth with the global podcast listener count clocking in at a whopping 464.7 million and projections for 2024 suggesting an even more jaw-dropping figure of 504.9 million listeners. Twice a week, for nearly two decades now, I’ve hosted podcasts, including my old podcasts I used to own and run such