Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Alternatives To Alcohol & Plant Medicine, Growth Through Ayahuasca, A Shower Routine That Grows Your Brain, Is Eating Bugs A Mind-Control Experiment & More With Mike Cernovich.



Embark on an exploration through the multifaceted realms of journalism, literature, and filmmaking as I dive into a compelling discussion with Michael Cernovich, a cultural luminary dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of superior existence. In 2015, Cernovich penned the best-selling book Gorilla Mindset, offering the world invaluable insights on living a better life. He maintains an ongoing exploration of culture and current affairs, and specifically focuses his work on answering the question, "What is on the other side of fear?" His film on media propaganda, Hoaxed, was a top 10 independent film for two weeks in a row and dominated the charts on Apple TV and iTunes in the documentary category. Hoaxed trended as one of the top 10 most streamed films before it was banned from Amazon without explanation. Cernovich was instrumental in bringing the story of Jeffrey Epstein into popular consciousness, as he filed a lawsuit to unseal previously hidden court files in a case involving Epstein. Cernovich has broken