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Start Something and Stop Quitting



Developing a healthy, intentional ethos (culture and characteristics) as a Godly man is critical. It’s about building disciplines that drive us to deeper places, move us closer to Jesus, and infuse purpose back into our lives. On today's episode we will dive into 3 things that should be non-negotiables for us as men. DISCUSSION GUIDE : Are you a person who sets goals/resolutions? What goals have you set for yourself recently? How has it been going for you? Share a funny story of when you gave up on a goal way too quickly. Challenge 1: Pursue Jesus Daily - What does it look like for you to follow Jesus on a day-to-day basis? Does reading come naturally to you? How often are you actually in God’s Word? Would you like your time reading the Bible to look different? How so? Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 & Hebrews 12:4. Based on these scriptures, why is it so valuable to be reading the Bible? If you don’t have a daily Bible reading rhythm make one now. Take a few minutes now to discuss a plan to read daily and togethe