Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

230 Year Start Power Pause: Tune into What Matters Most & Where the Momentum Is



There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head. DON'T: Let the chaos and pressure of the world, or the should's of your self-induced pressure swirl you up or stop you from breaking through to more elevated, expanded, supportive realities.  DO: Turn inward, tune into your heart and tap into your deeper wisdom and desires. Dare to let those inspire and guide you. DO: Choose to tune into Wisdom with a capital W before you choose your focuses for this year... you know that higher guidance trying to get your attention, saying "Focus here! Here is where the flow and momentum are!"    Wisdom teaches us to use the power and practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action... which results in more easeful effort, sustainable success + fluid efficiency (plus delight, which we need during challenging times, to keep us going!) One way you