Dimes In The Dozen

The Bird & The Bear - Session 73 - "A New Bird, A New Bear"



(0:00) - Sammy and Daryl open the show with some quick life updates - “Thirty-fun as I like to call it” - (9:03) - Sammy and Daryl start their discussion on resolutions for 2024, beginning with Sammy’s personal resolutions - “I’m a very, ‘What about tomorrow?’ person” - (21:22) - Daryl runs through his entire list resolutions for 2024 - “You can’t be an almost 40 year old man saying this to me right now” - (39:56) - Sammy finishes his 2024 resolutions list with a few social resolutions and Daryl riffs off a few of Sammy’s ideas - “I freeze up … My activist heart, my bleeding liberal heart freezes up and I can’t make the decision” - (54:08) - Sammy and Daryl move the discussion into a conversation about their goals for 2024, starting with Sammy and Daryl’s fitness goals for the year - “I kinda want there to be a level of enjoyability that comes back to drinking” - (1:06:30) - Sammy moves to the next goal on his list which is about the podcast and what he’d like to accomplish with it in 2024 - “There’s dominos