Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

231: Feminine Wisdom for Year Ahead (Part 1): Finding Your Strength in the Stretch



Every year in January I wait to do a special Feminine Power Time that looks into the year ahead - to give us wisdom, insight, focus and practices for the now, and what's coming next. 2024 is an 8 year - connected to the energy of Internal Strength + Shining our Light while making sure we are deeply rooted into what keeps us centered, stable, vibrant and aligned. It's also a wood Dragon year - which signals transformative growth and elevation, supported by the feminine (water) and strong natural structure (earth). These archetypes + what the natural cycles are indicating + the commonalities I am sensing form the themes, focuses and inquiries I'll share with you. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - in two parts. Part 1 focusing on giving you insight into the bigger meta themes + powerful inquiries you want to be asking yourself so you co-create a reality that keeps you centered, aligned, radiant and stable as you let go + grow. Episode #231: Finding Your Strength in The Stretch. Wisdom