What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

How to Work with (Almost) Anyone with Michael Bungay Stanier



Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.  Today I have the privilege of welcoming Michael Bungay Stanier, otherwise known as MBS, to the show. Despite being virtual friends for a long time, we only recently had the chance to meet in person at the Thinkers50 event, where Michael won a coaching award.  If you’ve never met, I’m so delighted to introduce you to Michael. He’s best known for his book The Coaching Habit, which is the bestselling book on coaching this century and is considered a classic by none other than Seth Godin. His most recent book is How to Work with (Almost) Anyone. He founded Box of Crayons, a learning and development company that has trained hundreds of thousands of managers to be more coach-like in organizations, from Microsoft to Gucci. His TEDx Talk has been viewed by more than a million people.  THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone who wants to approach professional relationships more actively and intentionally. TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… sometimes work relationships have great