Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Q&A 468: Can Cardio Grow Muscle, The Dark Side Of Microdosing Psychedelics, Gluten Free Vs. Low-FODMAP & More!



News Flashes Once again… if you have gut issues with grains, it’s usually more about “FODMAPs” than it is about gluten: "Gluten restriction in irritable bowel syndrome, yes or no?: a GRADE-assessed systematic review and meta-analysis"...06:01 Guess what? That expensive parasite cleansing system that you are using might have something called Mimosa pudica in it. Basically, this ingredient makes a bunch of long mucus threads wind up in the toilet (which look like rope worms, but aren’t): What Are Rope Worms? Are They Even Real?...14:47 How cardio might actually help you grow muscle: "Can cardio (eventually) make you bigger?"...22:24 There is "compelling theoretical evidence to suggest prolonged and repeated microdosing may cause valvular heart disease (VHD), and only weak survey evidence that it provides the benefits microdosers typically seek, such as enhanced cognition, or relief from depression and anxiety": "Safety First: Potential Heart Health Risks of Microdosing" — risk is particularly associated with r