Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

The 5 Hidden Energy Robbers



Couch Talk with Dr. Jen Landa Click Here to take Dr. Jen’s Energy Quiz Dr. Jen discusses the 5 hidden energy robbers and the key tips to endless energy. Some issues we discussed were what happens when we lose our spark and why our spark dims. Also, what our partner thinks when this happens to us. We can feel broken with no known solution. We can ask, what is wrong with me? Dr. Jen discusses her own struggles as a mom, wife, and physician, that relate to all of us at some time or another. What are the drivers causing exhaustion? Physical stressors: CRASH C – cortisol – R – reactions A – adrenal toxins S – sugar rollercoaster H – hormones Discussed our important hormones: Cortisol, Progesterone, and Testosterone Meet Dr. Jen Landa: Dr. Jen Landa is the Hormone Expert MD: Author of the Amazon bestseller, The Sex Drive Solution for Women, and creator of the Endless Energy program. She’s been featured on Dr. OZ, Fox News with Dr. Manny Alvarez,, and Elle, Women’s Health, and Shape Magazines. We’re led