Franchise Interviews

Franchise Interviews Celebrates National Frozen Yogurt Day February 6



According to the National Day Calendar, National Frozen Yogurt Day is observed on February 6th to celebrate a delicious frozen dessert that has transitioned from a trend to a common freezer item over the past few decades. The sales of frozen yogurt continue to rise annually, driven by people seeking a healthier alternative to ice cream. The surge in popularity can be attributed to the wide variety of flavors and toppings available for frozen yogurt.  #NationalFrozenYogurtDay The Story of Yogurt In 1970, H.P. Hood introduced the first frozen yogurt in the United States, initially named Frogurt and served as a soft-serve treat. Subsequently, Humphreys and Dannon also launched their versions of frozen yogurt. The 80s witnessed a substantial increase in its popularity, largely due to its perceived status as a "health food" option. Ice cream manufacturers adapted by offering low-fat alternatives. Today, frozen yogurt is experiencing a resurgence as consumers develop a preference for its tangy yogurt flavor.