August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

Smartphones and WiFi Made Them Sick: Conversations with people who have EMF Sensitivity Syndrome or EHS



Welcome back to our special episode on Thriving with Tech and Wellness as we look at the unseen dangers of smartphones and WiFi. You won't believe how this wireless energy can impact our health! Join me, August Brice, as I share stories from regular, healthy folks who've experienced headaches, anxiety, rashes, and more because of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).    We attended a Global Conference and guess what? There's well-documented research showing the biological effect of EMF on all of us.  It's been well-documented over the last 30 years.  Here's a compilation of some of our latest  Research Findings.  The scientists we spoke with say the question of whether or not EMF is a public health concern was answered years ago. It's time we take precautionary steps!   Let's be smart about it, just like we use sunscreen in the sun! Enjoy the episode, and if you find it helpful, please like us on the iTunes Store and share the message with your loved ones.    Timestamps: [0:00:05] Introduction to the podcas