Notre Dame Stories

One call can change everything (Proving Innocence, Ep. 4)



In the fourth installment of the Proving Innocence series, Notre Dame law students take on the case of Leon Tyson. He was convicted of a 2015 murder in Elkhart and sentenced to 63 years in prison. The Notre Dame Exoneration Justice Clinic believes he is innocent. The case took a turn when the students and professor placed a call to the mother of a man who was also there during the crime. Her revelations intrigued the students, but the case may turn on the question of hair — witnesses said the shooter had dreadlocks, but Tyson has long had alopecia, a condition that makes him bald. Tyson team leader Mackenna Krohn guides listeners through the twists and tangles of this case. *Edited description July 21, 2021.