Scots Whay Hae!

Ajay Close - What Doesn't Kill Us



For the latest Scots Whay Hae! podcast Ali spoke to writer Ajay Close to talk about her latest novel 'What Doesn't Kill Us' (published with Saraband Books). Set in Yorkshire as the 1970s became the 80s, and greatly influenced by the real-life Yorkshire Ripper investigations, Close evokes the sights, sounds, smells, and attitudes of Britain – and that part of Britain in particular – touching not only on prevalent sexism, but also class, race, and sexuality. Ajay talks about the reasons for wanting to write this novel, the different aspects to it, the challenges in writing about something inspired by real-life events, her love of research, the roles of the central characters police constable Liz Seeley and artist Charmaine, and how the way a story is told can be as important as the story itself. The two also talk about the themes which run through Ajay's novels, why she is attracted to people and moments from history, what fiction offers which non-fiction can't, her debut novel 'Forspoke