Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

233: Goodbye OVER Self-Reliance - #1 of 3 in From Burnout to Balance Series



Self esteem, self confidence, ability to take care of oneself, sovereignty, self sufficient ... these are all good things to possess and embody. Monikers of internal strength. However, when one thing become over-used or valued, or the other side of the spectrum isn't present, things get out of whack, our lives and bodies become imbalanced, and we get stuck in situations and chronic challenges that keep us in survival or stress mode. Consider this: "We have become so self-sufficient as self-empowered humans that we have become overly self-reliant." Most people I encounter suffer from this invisible dis-ease of Over Self Reliance, we feel it but don't have the words to see it, and therefore transform it. We become so used to doing whatever needs doing, we don't pause to consider what help we need to do it. We don't consider if we don't have the resources we need, maybe we shouldn't take it on. We've grown so accoustomed to fight for what we need or just barely scrape by that we've gotten used to making do and d